A Noble (Barnes and Noble!) Dream Come True!

Have you ever been to a bookstore called Barnes and Noble? Well, I have. And it is probably my 
favorite store in the world. Ever since I was little, I would get very excited when my Dad would tell us that we were going there. I loved to browse among all the books and see what was new. And whenever I did, I would always wish that somehow, someday, I would write a book and see it at Barnes and Noble. That, to me, would be the greatest achievement imaginable.
Today I happened to be looking over some articles about my book when I came across a link to my book… from Barnes and Noble!
I clicked on the website and stared at it in disbelief. There was my book! On the Barnes and Noble website!
Let’s just say, I freaked out. Big time. This was a dream come true for me and I couldn’t be more delighted!


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